• (+971) 55 5444237 Support: 24/7
  • (+971) 6 526 4640
  • P.O.Box: 53837 Sharjah,
    United Arab Emirates.
  • Sat - Thr : 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Friday Closed

Joint Ventures

Joint Ventures

SKV is an integrated offshore and marine services provider, primarily servicing clients in the oil and gas industry in Abu Dhabi and UAE. Our services principally comprise anchor handling supply duties, rig move, cable laying and diving and ROV services.

SKV provides access to a strong offshore assets base and brings extensive experience and technical expertise in managing offshore and marine operations for shallow to deep-water projects.

    Ship Management& Operations
    Commercial Ship Rental

  • Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.